100 VERSE Z. Ten rel. Apolog. cap .tr It Baron. .4.179.num.17d C.1. Chriftiani fte- rnms,Cbrilhani, &D:os tuos im- perat or non cole- MMS Baro.4.3oi nurn.46.4.165. n 4. ICr.3746; t7. 38.1.5,16. Marke Cor.x4 24,2,5. Aet.16,29,3o Theglone ofthe go ell. MOIMMININann The time would faile ifI faould fpeake oftheunbended con(fancy (or as the Gentiles filed it,obilinacie) of lg. natgter,T9lycarp, Inflin,Cyprian,Pionitts,Sabina, Maxi. mar, as thole infinite armies of holy martyrs, whopoled the inventions, tyred out the cruelties, withflood the flatteries and with one word (Chrifitani litmus) over. came allthe tyrannies, quenched the fire, and flopped the rnouthes oftheir proudefl perfecutors. Againe,theGofpell putteth a kinde of Imgre and ter sour on the facesof thole in whom it raigneth, and ma- keth them, as the Law did Moles, to Chine as lights in the world, and to bee more excellent than their neigh- bours; worketh in. others towards them a dread- and a-wfulneffe.. Though Ierentie werea prifoner, cafinto the dungeon;and in fuch extremity as he was there like- ly to perifb: yet fuch a *di le and honor didGod even then put upon him, and that in the thoughts of the king hiinfelfe,that he couldnot be in quiet till bee confulted with him about the vvillofthe Lord, and by his many conferences with him 'made it plainely appeare that hee flood inaweof his perfon and prophefies. So it is laid, That Herodfeared John, knowing that he MUdie/Mind holy mats,andofervedhint ; to note that Holinette ma kethwens perfonsand piefence dreadfull to the wicked, by reafon of that grace and maiefie which God bath put into them. The wholeCouncell ofScribes and Pha- riles, they who 'afterwards gnalbed on Stephen with theirteeth, were fared to acknowledge themajeflie of holineffe Chillingupon him;7'heifielifilfiqylookedonhim, and lawhisfaceatithadbeene thefaceIan e.,ingell. The mighty power ofthe GofpellofChtifi maketh unhelee- vers fall on their faces, and confeffe of a truth that God, is in thofe who preach it. This wee findeverified in the poore .aflonifbedkeeper of the pawl into which Paul and Silold had beencaf,he fprang in and came trembling- and fell clowne before them, and brought them forth, and