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The glorieof the qo and faid, x6ely, Sir; (which is an honourable appellati- on, fit rather forPrinces than forprifoners) what muff doe to bePaved ? It is true that naturally men hate Chrifl and his fervants, but this is not as a man hateth a Toade (which hee can eafily crufb) with a fimple hatred ; but as a man hateth a Lion, or as a M tlefatior hateth his judge, or as a Theefelateth the light , with a com- pounded hatred, mixed with a feare and dread ofthat majeflie within them. Which Majeflie bath fome- times (bitted fo brightly even under torments and per- fecutions , that it bath forced from Heathen Empe- rours a defirc of the Chriflians Prayers , fome- times not aflonifbed onely, but *converted the ad- verfarks. Laftly, the Gofpell bringeth liberty and joy into the hearts of men with it. The liberty a Gloriosu liberty, Rom .8.21. and the joy a glorious joy, t 'Pet .1.8Acre- fore the Gofpell is called a Got ellor great joy, Luke 2. 1o. Liberty is fo facred a thing, that indeed it belongs in the whole compaffe of it onely to the Prince : for though other men be free from fervitude, yet they are not free from fubje&ion. Now the Gofpell giveth a plenary freedome to the confciencesofmen; they may be commanded by their owne confciences, but their confciences cannot be commandedbyany but by Chr i ft. The Sonne bathmade them free from all others,that he onelymight be the Lord over them. Thefe are thole noble effe61s ofthe majeflieofthe Gofpell in the hearts ofmen,and all,fomany feverall evidences of that glorie whichbelongs unto it. Now then, to draw force inferences from this moll ufeftilland excellent doarineofthe glory oftheGofpell, we karne-from thence firft what liberty, andwhat fin- cerity the Miniflers of Chrifl ought to ufe in the ad- minitiration ofthis his Kingdome in the Word. Firfl, What Libertie. The.Officers of a Prince who goe before Z0 VERSE 2. * djeCter ideo vocabant,quia cum in ea eRnt uttorquerent marty, er, ipfi martyres runtperbo 6- conflantili martyrurnper.. rnoti.canierou DeEcclefipa s3.