zol 4 I Theqlorie oftheWell. volmetssalmmom.....* wstOnaaaumargegawero..... 1.11M...sp. wea*wqeMN. VE S E 2. before him to preparehis way, makebold to Nike, and to fcatter thole unruly throngs ofmen, who pre& too neere uponhis facred perfon. We are theMeffengers of Chrifl fent before-hand with his royall proclamationof peace to make roome in the hearts of men for him , and to open their everlafling doores, that this King ofGlo- tie may enter in. We may thereforeboldly finite with the Rodof his mouth, wee mull cry aloud, and not ler.1.17,18. fpare, pull downe mountainous lulls, fubdue thong Ezek.3.89. holds take untous iron pillars, and brafen wals, and fa Cor. 42.. - ! rilwor. ces of flint, to roote up, to pull downe, to batter and 4. defiroy, not to teach oncly, but to command with all authority,and to commend our felves to everymans con fcience in the fight of God. This ufe the Apofile ma Cor3.12. - keth of the G1orie of the Gofpell, &clog we haveInch Hope, that is, feeing in this glorious Gofpell we hate the dilpenfation ofa bleffed Hope unto men; or the re- velation of Chrifi, who is unto us the Hope of Glorie, or the affured confidence of doing excellent workes by the waneof this fo glorious a word ; me xe.pi- p...s.,Fre lifegreatboldneffe or liberty of ipeech ; for why fhould he, who bringeth untomenglad tidingsofglori- ous things,which offercth unto them the bleffed Hope of Eternall life, bee affraid or afhamed ofhis Office ? Tertull. apol. Though Rome were the feate, and that * emperour the c.5. fira Dedicator of the perfecutions of the Church, yet evenunto that place the ApoIlle was not afhamed to preach the Gofpell ofChritl, becaufe it was the Power of godunto Salvation. There is no fhame in being a Saviour. And therefore it is both the honour and duty Ephef.6.26. ofthe difpencers of the Gofpell to 'peaksboldly as they ought tofimake; and ofthe people to pray that that ex- cellent Spirit might ever accompanie fo glorious a mef- fage. This was the prayer of thePrimitive Saints for the A 4 29. Apoilles ofChrilt, Grantunto thyftrvants, that with Boldnefe theymaypake thy Word. And this duty lies upon