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The glorieof the Well. 11100#131M.Warasausaw mmaga.ater 1* upon us with an heavie neceffitie. For firfl, wee are difpenfers of allgods counfells there muff not be a Word which God hath commanded that we fhould refute tomake known unto the people, for the things revealedare for them and their children. Thus we finde when the Angell oftheLord brought forth the Apofiles out ofprifon,hegave them this command, Goe Auldand#vake in the temple to the people all the words ofthis life : andcertaintly Come ofthefe words will re- quire boldneffe. When wee lay the axe to theroom of the tree, when wee hew off wens very members, when we fnatch them like brands out of the fire, when wee make them to fee their owne faces in the Law of liberty, the face of a guilty, and therefore curled confcience, there will be neede of much boldneffe. A Chirurgian who is to fearch an inveterate wound, and to cut off a putrified member, had not need to be faint-hearted, or bring a trembling hand to fogreat a worke. Secondly,the feverefl meffagewearc lent wkhall,and which men are mofi unwillingto heare, is for them ex- pedient. Nonewesconk' be fo unwelcome to the Apo- files as to heareof Chrifis departure, Becaufe I have faidthefethings forrowhathfilledyosir hart,nevertbeleffe tellyon the truth, it isexpedientforyou that Igoeaway. The firfi newel which we bring untomen is of Chrifis abfence, oftheirfalfe conceits and prefunsptions of their being in him, ofthe diflance, and unacquaintance which is betweene thern,ofour feare of them and their condi- tion,and in all this weare not their enemies, becaufe we tell them the truth. As it is our office to fpeake, fo it is thepeoples duty andprofitto heareall things which PI/ he told themofGod, for all Scripture, as well that which rcproveth andcorreaeth,asthat which teacherh and in- fkruatth in righttoufneffe it profitable, and tends to the perfeaion ofthe Saints. All his precepts concerning all things are right. The contempt ofone is virtually and inter- 20; VERSE 2. Act.20.27. Raz.; Deut.29.29. Ioh.i 6,7 Gal 4.1 6. 2. Ti111.3.145,17. DCUt.1238. Mb 19.1 28. lam.2.10,1 I.