204 VERSE 2, ICT.I.17. EZek.3.18, Pet.4.u. b Ezek.3.4. c z Cor.5.2o. d z Cor.13.3. C I COr 4.24. IMic.3.8. TheCalorie of the go ell. interpretatively, in the conffitution and preparation of heart, the violation of all, becaufe they arc all groun- ded upon the fame divine authority, and direeced unto the fame laving ends : and therefore wee ought not to picks and choofe either in the preaching or praecifing thereof. Thirdly, we are to anfwere for the blondofthe peo- ple if wee prevaricate, if wee lettheir (limes alone they will have a double edge, to kill them and us both, like the mutuall embracements of two in a river, which is ° the meanes to Browne themboth. Speake unto them all that I command thee; be not difmaiedat their faces, faith the Lord to his Prophet, left Iconfoundthee before them. Ifthouwane not the wickedfrom his wickedway that he may live, be 'ha dye in hiswickednele,(thy bafffulnefle fhall doe him no good) but his blond will Irequireat thy bands. Is it at all congruous that men fhould have bold- neffeenough to declare their finnes, to fpeake tkein, to proclaime them, to weare them, to glorie in them, and that thole officers, who are fent for no other bufineffe, but in the name and authority of Almighty God to fight againa thecorruptions ofthe world, fhould in the means time hang downe the head and be tongue-tied ? that men fhould have more boldneffe to deflroy them- felves,and to doe Satans works, than we to lave them, or to ferve God ? Fourthly,weare to fpeake in the perfonofChriff, and in the vertueof his Spirit. Wemua fpeake as the aOra- cles of God, and b with his words, c as if hehimlelfe did by :affieake unto thepeople. We mull give manifeflati- onof d Chrillfpeaking byus, that menmay be e convinc'd that Godis in to of a truth, and that we are f fullof pow- er by his fpirit, that his fpirit fetteth to his feale to au- thorize our commiffion, and to countenance our mini- fiery : and thereforewe muff ufe judgement and might, that is, fpirituall difcretion , and inflexible confiancy againff I