Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

The glorie of the gold. l. ......aesamsmo 11 the finnes ofmen (for there two are contrary to the two grand props of Satans kingdome, which are wafty1,6, and 7rtuogAics his craftineffe, and his weapons of power:) g for where the pithof the Lord is there is li- berty, h hisffiirst will not befiraightned, neither will the Lord keepeJanice; bee that fpeaketh by the fpirit of Chria, mutt fpcake, though not in equality (which is impoffible) yet in fome fimilitude andproportion, as he fpake, that is, as thofc that have i Authority andpower committed to them for the edificationof the Church. Lay, a partiall, unfearching and unreprovingMini- tier is one of Gods curfes and fcourges againft a place, the forerunner of a finall and fearefull vifitation. k The dayes of vifitation and recompence come, faith the Lord. The Prophet is a foole, theIpirituall man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquity, and the great hatred. 1 If man walking in thefpirit and falfhood, that is, pro- feffing the worke ofa ipirituall man, and yet betraying his office, or in a falfe and lying fpirit prophefying of wine and firm drinke , that is, cherifhing and encouraging fenfuall livers in their pernitiouscourfes, hefhall even be theprophet ofthispeople, And therefore when the Lord will punifh with an extreme revenge the rebellion of a people againahis Gofpell, who judge themfelves un- worthy of fo great a falvation, heeeither m removerh their Candleilicke and taketh it away from them,or cue n fealethup the mouth of his Prophets, that they may bee dumbe and reprove them no longer, and that they maynot bee purged any more from their filthineffe, or elfe infatuates their Prophets, and fuffereth Satan to fe- ! duce them,and to be a lying Spirit in their mouthes,that be maydefiroy them, as wee fee in the 0 ruin ofAhab, and in the P captivity ofludah© Againe,as the Millinersofthe Gofpell mutt ufe liber- ty,fomull theylikewife tifefinceritie in thedifpenfaticn thereof, becaufe it is a glorious goipell. This likewife is 205 VERSE 2. g Cor.3.17 h MiC i Mat.7.2.9 k Hor.9,7. Mich. 2.1 r. Matzr.41-43. 23.3733e. n Ezek 3 z6. Ezek 2+13. ° 2 KiAg 13. P xo. ler 14. 3. Ier,t3a3.33.4o.