zo6 VERSE 2. z Cor4 1,z. 2 COI'. Ls7. Zs. it msentaii sr- Tir* N0>01 .1. - Vatura;Tat 70, error J2i n-- ;4(45{'d CIAPRC aleyeregorra; ?%O. yois iX 1;I: (9e!" vlsWotr, ;.f.) 4*- Afott V.L6' &c. G.eg. Orut.z.& Telut. lib. t. epip. t 69. r Ezek.i3.1o. Ier.r ?. c Ephcf.4.i4. Co1.2.48. t Ier.g.3t. 'Er Yorhifor nr,littstWa ch- reigoss. Cor.2,4. D.,;t7,oaltratio Tern nibilre- h,lpirare in- evaenri.e in re, autPrmitintis err iatelleaii. Theglorieof theqojpell. waimemaroo is the Apofiles inference, for having fpent a whole chap- ter in thisone argument of the gloryof the Gofpell, he prefently conclude th, q Thereforefeeingwe have this mi. Riflery,that is, the difpenfation of fuch a Gofpell com- mitted unto us, wee faint Not, 6ut have renounced the hidden things ofdiAoneflie ; that is, as I conceive, the artsofdawbing, and palliating, and covering over un- cleane courfes with plaufible reafonings, and flefhly apologies ( r which is the ufeoffalfe prophets) not wal king incraftineife, that is, not tiling f humane fleights or togging, to carry men about with every wind of falfedoEtrine (as /inners are very willing to be deceived, t and love to have it as falfe prophets fay it is ) Nor handling theWordof God deceitful II, , that is, falfifying andadulterating it with corrupt gloffes, and fo tempe- ring it to the palat offinners,that the working & fearch- ing vertue thereof, wherebyof it cafe it is apt to purge out and wrefile with the lufisofmen, may be deaded, and fo it may well confift with the power oflufts Phyfitians ufe fo to qualifie and allay poifonby other correolives, and croffe ingredients, that it (hall ferve as an inflrument to firenoathen us, not extinguifh life : or as immodefi Poets may fo tamper with the chati exprefli- ons of Virgil or Hemer,asby them both to notifie,and, in corrupt minds,to kindleuncleane luaings) but byma- mfeftationofthe truth,that is, by fuch fpirituall and per- fpicuous demonflrations, as under which there cannot inbeffefalfum, there can no falfitie nor deceit lurke, com- mendingoor 'elves to every mans confcience inthelight of God, that is, working not the fancies, or humours, or &filly conceitsofmen (which alwayes take the part of fine) but their very confciences ( which alwayes is on Gods fide) to beare witneffe unto the truth which wee fpeake, to receive it not as the wit or learningof a man, but as the Word and wifdomeof God, to acknowledge the convi6ion, the judicature, thepenetration thereof, and