The eifnalyfisoftheTfilme. Wee have the Aeffirreaionofthe Bodie, because he mull VE R SE I. foibdiie all his enemies tinder hisfeete, and the141 enemie tobeesubdued is death, as theApofile argues out of this Pfalme , i Cor. 15.25,26. And laffly, wee haue life everlaging , in the everlafting merit and vertue of his. Trielthood, Thou art a Priegfor ever after the orderof Alelchifedek and in hisfitting at the right hand ofGod, whither he is gone as our forerunner, and to prepare a place for us, Heb.6.2o. Ioh. z4.2. and therefore the Apofile from his fitting there, and living ever inferreth the perfeaionand certaintie ofour falvation, Rotr.6.8. Eph.2.6. Cor. i 5. 49. Phil. 3.20,2T. r Theif.4.4. Heb.7,25. 3 Ioh. 340 TheSumme thenofthe whole Pfalme, (without any curious orartificial! Analyfis, wherein every man accor- ding to his owne conceite and method will varie from 'other) is this ; The Ordination ofChrift unto hisKing- dome, together with the dignitie, and vertue thereof; v. I. The Scepter or Ingrument of that Kingly power, v.2. Thefirength amdfscceffeofboth,in recovering,mau- greall the malice ofenemies,a Kingdome ofwillingCub- leas, and thole in multitudes untohimfelfe, v.2,3. The Confecration ofhim untothat everlaflingPriefihood, by the vertue &merit whereofhe purchafedthis Kingdome to himfelfe,v.4. The Conepiell overall his firongefi, and mofl numerous adverfaries, v.5,6. Theproofe of411, and the way ofeffe6ling it, in his fufferings and exaltation. Hee (ball gather a Church, and bee shall confound his enemies,becaufe for that end he hath finithed,& broken through all the fufferings which hee was to drinke of; andbath lifted lip hisheadagain. Vert: 1. The Lordfaiel unto myLord,Sit thou at my right band, twill Imake thineenemies thyfootflook Here the HolyGhoft beginnes with the ICingdomeof Chrift, whichhee defcribeth and magnifieth; By his B 3 maim