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VE RS E I. (brills ordination to ha kingdome. .1..MMIMMI 10 i .3.But a fulneffe without meafure, like the fulneffe oflight in the Sun, or water in the Sea, which hath an unfearchable fufficiency and redundancie for the wholeChurch , . 3 .34. Eph .3 .8. Mal. 4.2. So that as hee was furnilhed with all Spirituall Endow- ments of Wifedome, judgment, power, love, holineffe, for the difpenfation of his owne Office,Efai./ 1.2.61 .T. So from his fulneffe did there runne over a flare and portion of all his graces unto his Church, Ioh. 1.16. Col.2 9. 3 He did by a folemne and publikepromul- gation proclaime the Kingdome of Chrift unto the Church, and declare the decree, in that heavenlyvoice whichcame untohim from the excellent glorie, This is my belovedSon inwhom Iamwedpleafed, heareyeehim, Pfa1.2.7. Matth.3.17. 17.5. 2 Pet./.17. 4HCC hath given himaScepterofRighteoufnefp,&hathput a fword in his mouth and a rodde ofiron in his hand, made him a Preacher and an Apofile, to reveale the fecrets ofhis bofome , and to tetlifie the things which hee hath ken and heard, Heb.1.8. Revel./.16.2.16. Pfal.2.9. Efai. 16.1. Heb. 3./. 'oh. I.18. Ioh. 3. TI, I2. 32,34. 5 Hee bath honouredhimwith many Ambaffadors,and fcrvants to negotiate the affaires ofhis Kingdomedome iipogief, andfome Prophets, andfome Evarigelfis, and rime Pearsand teachers, for thepoletling oftheSaints; for the workeoftheMini/lerie, andfor the Edifyingof is Bodie, z Cor.5.2o. Eph.4./z,12.. 6Hee Mathgiven him theJoules and confciences ofmen even to the utter- moil parts of the earth for his poffeffion, and for the territories ofhis Kingdome, Pfal . 2 . 8. 'ob./7.6. 7Hee bath given him a power concerning the Lawes of his Church. A power tomakeLawes,the LawofFaith, (as S.Paulcals it, Rom.3 .27.) Mark./6. x 5,16. Apower to expound Lawes,as the moreLaw,Matt.5. Apower to abrogate Lawes, as the LawofOrdinances, Col.2. 14.. 8 Hee hath given him a power °nudging and condem-