'ERSE becaufe men will not come over nor fubmit to him without warre. The firong manwill not yeeld to bee utterly fpoiled and crucifiedupon termes ofpeace. Hence then wee may firfi learne thegreat Authoritie and Power of this King, who holds his Crowne by immediate tenure from heaven, and was after a more excellent manner than anyother Kings therunto decreed and anointed by God himfelfe. Much then are they to blame who-finde out waya to diminifh the Kingdome ofChriti, and boldly affirine, that though aKing hee could not but bee, yet hee might have been a King without a Kingdome, a King inperfonall right, without filbje6ls or territories to exercife his regall power in; A King onely to punifh enemies, but not aKing to governc or to feed a people. But (ball God give his Sonne the uttermoli parts ofthe earth for his poffeflion, and (ball men withhold it? fhall God give men untoChria (Thine they were & thongaveft them unto me. Ioh. 17.6.) and fhall they detaine themfelves from him?what is it that he gives unto his Sonnebut the follies, the hearts, the very thoughts ofmen to beemade obedient unto his Scepter? 2 Cor.t 0.5. and fhall it then bee within the cornpaffe of humane power to effeel, as it is in their pride to maintaine,fleri poleat millafit &claim ? We know one principal! part ofthe Kingdome and power ofChrifl is to cal} downe imaginations, and every high thing that exalceth it felleagainfl theknovvledgc ofGod, and that not onely unto conviaion, but unto obedience, as the Apofile fhewes : to fend fuch gifts of the Spirit unto men as fhould benefit the very Rebellious, that God might d well amongti them, Pfal.68.18. for in as much as Chriti came to defiroy theworkes ofthe devill, that U, flume (as the Apofile (hewes, i Ioh. 3.8. Ioh.8.41. 14.) and in their place to bring in the worke of God., which isfaithio him (for fo that grace is frequently Ili- led, 1011.6.29. Phil.1.29. C01.2.I 2.) Therfbre it isre- quifite ... lo 1The Quality of sKininn'je.