Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

12, SubjeEliondue untoChri RSE T. Nolite cogi! arc invitam trabitur animal amore. Aug. Irae.z5, in loban. ka.3.16. cikNilhgt 0114 ti? sicwaNzsact ra,uocti,cer4 sir a9cay. 01ar tyr.Apol.t. Ofculum path. orationisAna- culum, qu2 °ratio cum di- vortio Sanai ofcultintegra, d.t.Terttel4de °rat, eth , and the man commeth, Ioh.6.44. That notes the' efficacieofgrace,and this the fvveetneffe of grace. Grace worketh firongly, and thereforeGod is flid To (Draw, and it worketh fweetly too,and therefore man is Paid to Come. Againe, from hencewee frame our Dutie unto this King, the honor and fubje6lion which is due unto him. The Fathercommitteth all lodgment totheSome, that is, bath anointed him with the office, and abilities ofa King (forjudgment flands for the whole duty ofa King. Pfal.7 2. I. and is therefore frequently attributed unto the Meffiits, Efai.42. t.4. Ier.23.5. Ier.33.15.) And from thence our Saviour infirm that all men Amid honour the Sonne even as they honour the ther, loh.t. 22,23. with the fame worfhip, reverence & fubje&ion. For Godbath highly exaltedhim,andgivenhim a name above every name, That at the name of lifts, that is, unto that holy thing, unto the power and Scepter of that divine Perfon, which is unto us focomfortablyma- oilefied in a nameoffalvation,Everykneelhouldbow,&e. Phil. 2.9,10. This Dutie the Pfalmiff expreffeth by killing the Sonne. Which denoteth unto us 3 things : I Love. For a kifie is a fyrnbole and exprellionoflove, and therefore ufed by the primitive Chriflians in their Foils ofLove, and after prayer unto God, and often- times enjoynedby S.Patil as anExpreffion ofChriflian Love. Infomuch that it was a proverbiall fpeech amongil the Heathen,fee how thefe Chriffians doe love one another. And this is a Dutie which theApolile re- quires, under paineofthe extremet+ curie that can light upon a man, to Love the Lord Iefus Chriff, i Cor.16. 22. Eph .6.24. And ifany manfaithour Savior,Loveth Father or mother more thanme, he is not worthy ofme, or Sonne or Daughter more thanme,hee is not worthyofme, Matth .10.37. That is, het is utterly unqualified for the benefit ofmy mediation. For bee that bath good byme cannot s-