Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

14 VE R S E 1. Subjection dueunto an . wrathof God in his creatures, fire, tempell, pc:Hence, fword, ficknefle,makesno ditlinaion between them and others, howmuch leffe will God hirnfelfe make, when all crownes, andfcepters, and dignities fhall be refigned to him, and all men (hall (land in an equall diffance and condition before the tribunall ofChrifiwhenno titlesof honor,no eminencie offiation,no treafures ofwealth,no firength of dependencies, no retinue& traine offervants will accompany a man into theprefenceofthe Lamb,or {land betweene him and the judgment ofthat great day. Wee know hee was a King that feared the prefenceofa perfecuted Prophet, and hee was a Prince that trembled at the preaching ofan Apofile in chaines. The word of God cannot bee bound, nor limited, it is the Scepter which his Father. hath given him , and wee cannot without op6 contefiation againii God refill his govern- ment therein over us. Fleethat delpifethyou deplithme, andhe that defpileth me, defpilith him thatfent me, faith our Saviour. It is Chrifi bitnfelfewhole Ambaffadors wee are, and with whom men have todoe in our mini- . flak. And hee will have it fo : Firfl, For our Peace: If God fhould fpeake againeby -the Minifierie ofAngels, in thunder,and fire (as he did onmount Sina) we would quickly callfor Moles &Miniflers againe, Exod .2o. 19. Secondly, For his mimeglorie, that the Excellencie may be ofGod and not ofmen, 2 Cor.4.7. That it maynot be in him that planteth,nor in him that watereth,but in God which giveth the blefling,and increafe, t Cor.3.7. That it may not bee in him which willeth , nor in him which runneth,but inGod which fheweth mercy,Rom. 9.16. That the fervice , cooperation, and helpe ofthe Churches joy might bee ours, but the Dominion over mens faith,and the teachingof their inner man might be Chriffs, 2 Cor.T .24. Eph.4.20,21. Very bold there- fore anddefperate is the contumacieof thole men who hand at defiance with the power of Chrifl fpeaking in his