Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

Christ takes up then'hole en/fan. 1 21 blethat myword, that laboureth inmy fervice, who de- I dareshimfelfe tobe mine indeed. For the heart ofman cannot have two Mallets, becaufe which way ever it goes, it goes whole and undivided. Wee cannot ferve Chrifl and any thing elfe which (lands in Competition with him : Fira,becaufe they are ContraryMahlers, one cannot bee pleated, or ferved, without thedifallowance pfthe other. The Spirit that dwelleth in us lulleth to envy, that is, grudgeth, and cannot endure that any fer- vice fhouldbe done to the Lord. For the Friendfhipof the World is enmitie againa God , Iam.4.4.,5. And therefore faith the Apostle, flatly 09479lovetheWorld,the loveoftheFaller is not in him ;and the reafon is,becaufe they are contrarie principles, and have contrary Spi- rits, and lulls, and therefore mull needsover-rule unto contrary fervices. Secondly,becaufeboth Mailers have employments enough to take up a whole man. Satan and the World have lulls to fill the whole head and heart oftheir moll aliveand induarious fervants ; for the Apoille faith, that all which is in the World is lulls. And the heart ofman is wholy, , or moll greedily fet in him to doe that evill which it is tasked withal!, Eccle. 8.i rahe(d)that is inman,all his faculties, all his affe- &ions; the whole Compaffe ofhis created abilities, are all gone ofde, or turned backward, there is no man,no part inman, that doth any good, no not one, Pfal.14.3. 53.3. Chria likevvife isa great Lord, hath much more bufineffe than all the time, or flrength of his Servants can bringabout. Hee requireth the obedience ofevery thought ofthe heart, 2 Or. I 0.5. Grace andedification and profit in all the words that proceed out of our mouth, Epb.4.29. a refpeet unto the glory ofGod in whatfoever worker wee goe about, r Cor. io. 3z. The whole foule , body and Spirit fbould bee Sanolified throughout,and that even till the comming ofour Lord lefus Chria, 1 Theff. 5.23. Chna hath fervice much C 3 more VERSE I. i Iohn