Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

o toork,f -without cods trace. Vi RS E conaant fupply, affillance,and concomitancie of the grace ofChriit, exciting,moving, and applying that ha- bituall power unto particularaetions. He it is that giveth usnot ooely to will but todoe, that goeth through with us,and worketh all our works for us by his grace.With out him wee candoe nothing,all our fufficiencie is from him. But it maybee objeaed, if wee can doe nothing without a fecond grace, to what end is a former grace given?or what ufe is thereofour excitingthat grace and gift ofGod in us which can doe nothing without a fur- ther conccurfe ofChritls Spirit? To this Ianfwer,firfl, that as light is neceffarie and requifite unto tieing, and yet there isno Peeing without an eye : fo without the aflitlinggrace ofChrifis Spirit concurring withus unto every holyDude, wee can doe nothing, and yet that grace doth ever prefuppofe an implanted, feminall and habituall grace, fore-difpofing the foule unto the laid Duties. Secondly, as in the Courfe of naturall Effe6is, though God beea moll voluntary Agent, yet in theor- dinary Concurrenceofa firs} Caufe hceworkethadmo- dumnature, meafuring forth hisaffiflance proportiona- bly to the Condition and Preparation of the fecond Caufes : fo in fupernaturall andholy operations (albeit not with a likecertaine and unaltered conflancy)though Chriii bee a moil voluntary head of his Church, yet ufually heproportioneth his aflifling and fecondgrace, unto thegrowth, progreffe and radicationofthofe Spi- rituall habits whichare in thefoule before.Fromwhence commeth the differenceofholineffejand profitableneffe arnongfl the Saints, that Come are more a&ive, and un- weatied in alt holy converfation than others, as in the naturall bodieCome members are larger,and more full of life and motion than others, according to the different difiribution ofSpirits from the heart, and influences from the head. This thenaffords matter enoughboth to humble us, and to comfort us: To humbleus that wee can