A N PLICATION OF VN EY EH El AND VNT Ft F), s A wsil: WPIEkEIN the feverall Heads of CHRISTIAN Religion therein contained; touching the Exaltationof civift,the Scepter ofhis Kingdome, the Charaaer ofhis Subjeets, His'Prieflhood,Viaories) Suarings , and Refurre6tion, *re largely explained andapplied. Being thi Subftance of feverall Sermons preached at L I N C 0 L N S INNS; By EDWARD Rii-YNOLDES fometimes Fellow of (Merton Colledge in Oxford, late Preacher to the forefaidHonorakle SOciety,and lieetor of the Church of iiraungon in iVorthhampto LONDON, Imprintedby Felix Kynglion for Robert Balocke,and are to befold at fhop in Pauls Church yard at the figne of the Kings Head. 163 z.