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30 VERSE I. ecefitieofChrtyls Humiliation. sl,...0410Iti.oww thofe neceffarily toprecede thefe. He ought to filer,and to-enter into hisglory, Luk.24.26,46. Neceffarily I fay ; Fira,by a Needle' ofgods Decree,who had fo fore-ap- pointed it, 4/1.2.23,24. Secondly, by the Neceffityof Gods luftice, which mull firft be fatisfied by obedience, before it could bee appeared with man, or in the perfon of their head and advocate exalt them to his glory again, Rom.3.25. R9,10.5.10. Rom.6.6,ir.Eph.2,4,6. Thirdly, by the NeceffityofGods Wordandwill, fignified in the prediaions ofthe Prophets, Laik.24.46. i Pet. r. TO,' I. Fourthly,by theNeceffity ofChrifis infinite Per.. fon, which being equall with God,could not poffiblybe exalted without fome preceding defcent and humilia- tion. That bee alcended, faith the Apoille,wbo is it but that bee defcended &flinto the lower parts of theearth, Epb.4..9. Therefore it is that our Savior faith,The Spirit Amid convince the Worldof Aighteou/nefe, becaufe bee was togee to the Father, andlhouldbeePeen here no more, The meaningof it is, that the Spirit (hall in the MinifleryoftheWord reveale unto thofe who are fully convincedof their finfall condition, and humbled in the fenfe thereof, a treafureoffull and fuificient Righ- teoufneffeby my obedience wrought for finners. And the reafon which is given of it (lands thus. Our Righ- teoufneffe confifts in our being able to (land in Gods pretence. NowChrifi having doneall asour furetie here, went up untoglory as our head and advocate,as the firfl fruits, theCaptaine, the Prince of life, the authorof fal- vation ,and the forerunnerof his people,fo that hisgoing thither is an argument ofour jutlificationby him. Firft, becaufe it is a figne that hee bath finifhed the INorke of our redemption on earth, a figne that hee Overcame death, and was juflified by the Spirit, from the wrongs ofmen, and from the curieofthe Law. Therefore hee laid toMary after hisrefurre6lion,Goe tell myDifciples, Ialcoed to myFather andyour Father, to my Godand your