ThePidorieofChr. c 495 unto himwhen wee are in danger; and 'our fririt of VERs. 5,v.. wiledorne to folve the objeaions to dircerne the devi- ces ofSatan, and to prepare and anre our beaus accor- dingly to wrefile with him. Or elfe by rtbokingofhim, pulling in his chaine, and chafing him away, and,as our fecond, undertaking the cotnbate in perfon for us, when he is ready toprevaile,Zech.3 .1,2. Thus he overcom- methhim as a Tempter,and ever giveth f;:)ine either com- fortable or profitable iffueout ofthan. He likew ife overcommeth him as an elect0fer. St t accufeth the Saints either by complaint and nal ra- tion of the things which they have done; Revel.12. 10. which the Apolile calleth, his laying ofcrimes to the charge ofmen, Rem. 8. 3 3. and thus Chrifi over- commethhim byhis Interceffion, and in the hearts of his Saints bymaking them judgea.nd astute then-if-elves, chat they may be able to cleere thernfelves too, i Cor. 11 .31.2 Corin.7. it. Or beeaccufethby wayoffeoti- tion or preconjetlare, as hee did lob, lob 1.9,10,11. and herein likewife Chrifi overcommethhim in his fervants, by permitting him to tempt and vexe them,. that they maycome the purer out of the fire, and by putting a holy fulpition and jealoufie into them over their owne hearts, which may fill! bee a meanes to prevent then) f againil evils that are likely to a ffault them, to teach them inevery condition,as well pc flible as prefentihow to walke acceptably before God, P,b1/.4.1 , t 3. Another great enemieof the Kingdoms of Chrifi is, the lufl of our evill nature. The carnal! r tnde is enmitie againfi God, _for it is not fubjea to the lawofGod, neither indeedcan be,l(om. 8.7. Phil. 3.8. Enmity in grieving, vexing, and quenching the holy Spirit in us, .and envioufly againfi his grace, hm.4.4,5. And here alfa Chrifi overcommeth, by the prevailing pow- er of his Spirit, giving usincre Grace, ticmolii:hing the kingdome offinne,and judglng the prince of this world ! which