+97 VERS. 5,6. The Vaneofthrift. which before did rule in the children of difobedience. And this he doth by the judgement Scat, andScepterofl his Spirit in the heart : for de judgement of the Spirit,)."s, is too hardfor the principality ofSatanjoh.16.1 i. The Spirit of Chria is avittoriotu Spirit. He bringeth forth his judgement untovidory,Mattb. I2.20. Efai.4..+Hce worketh out by degrees the droffe and impurity of our nature,and fervices. Firfl, by faith fixing upon better promifes and hopes than lua can make, x Ieh.5.4.Heb. 11.24,26. Secondly, bywatchfulneile, eyingcorrupti- ons, and fo flirting up thofe arguments and principles which are firongell againa them, lob 3 T./. Pfut. 39.1. Thirdly, by leading us to more acquaintance withGod in knowledge,love andcommunionjob z 2421 .1 Ioh. z . 3. and fo fetching more wifedome and flrength from him : for this is the vitay that wee get all our firength, even by learning ofhim,Phil.4.i 2. Fourthly,by incli- ning the heart to hate, and to cornplaine ofcorrupti- ons,to bemone it felfe,as Pauland Ephraim d A.070.7. 23.(Mark.9. 2+ isr.31.18,19. Fifthly,by bringingthe heart into the light, there toapprove and judge its aai- ons,/oh.3 .20. by letting it alwayes in Godseye, that it may not finne againa him, Pfd.. z 6.8.Sixthly,byconvin- cing the heart of thebeauty andexcellencie ofGrace,of the unlikeneffe offinne to God, and fo making thefoule more full of defires for the one, and againa the other, Efai. 26.8.6k4k.36.3 x. and thus kindling lua againa lull, Gal. 5.i7. Seventhly, by being alwayes a prefent Monitour and Watchman in the foule, tofupply it with fpirituall weapons and reafonings againfl the temptati- ons of lua,Efill. 30.3 z./ob.4.16. Lafily,inone word, by daily fupplies from the refidue of Spirit which is in our head,vvhereby according to the proportion and exi- genceofthe members,he floweth into them,Mal.2.15. Phil. a .r9. This is that feed, that leaven, that vitall in- flinca,vvhich is ever in the heart, letting it felfe againfl the