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TheVidorie ofWill. nor, ...**.sseama, theworkings and life oflull, and by little and little wa- iling it away as fire Both water. The grand infirument ofSatan and lull (whoare the cwo leaders in this warre againa Chrill) is the wicked world. The power, malice,wifedome, learning, or any other either naturall or acquir'd abilities of evill men : for even in anearthly refpc& by the word kings, we are not onely to underhand thofe Monarchs,and princes of the earth who fet themfelves againa Chrif ; but all filch as excell in any fuck worldly abilities as may fur- ther thatoppofition. It notes the arength, policie, pride and greatneffe ofminde, or fcorneof fubjeolion, which is in the heart againfl Chrifi. So that ,ng. heere Hands inoppofition tofiebjetI, they who rejea Chrifls yoke, and breake hisbonds afunder,and will not have him to raigne overthem, thole are thekings in the Text. And these alfo will hee finite through and confound by the Power of his Word, and the arength ofhis arme. The Lord gave theWord, great was the company of thole that publifhed it. Kings ofarmiesdid flyapace, and he that tarried at home divided the#oile, PI-41.68.1 1, I 2. Tophet is ordainedofold,for the king it isprepared, FM. 30.33. Come,and gather your felves together unto the Supperof the great God. That ye may ease theflelh of kings, and thefiefh of captains, and the fiefh of nightie men,and theflep hories, and ofthem that fit on them, and thefiefh ofall men, bothfreeandbond, both[mall and great ,&e.Reve1.19.17 ,18. As for thole mine enemies whichwouldnot that 1 fhould raigne over them, bring them hither,andflay thembefore me, Lnk. 19. 273ewife now, yekings,be ingrulled,ye Judges oftheearth. Serve theLordwithfeare, and rejoyce with trembling; ki fire the Some left hebee angry, andyeperifhfrom the way,when hiswrath is kindled but a little. Thus the Lord over- throweth h-is Churches enemies,andproreaeth it again[{ al their greateh preparations,& inciaformidablepower. And 498 VERS. 5,6. rfala4I0,11)12