Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

498 VF.Rs. 5,6 Greg,1\7a"., ore 4.1n zsdian, z: . Theodore'. Ii 3, Oral 4 Ca'fizr Cog math. I. The Vidorie ofChrql. .1.). IWP/R07'NOMPIM,!., And this he doth feverall ,,rayes ; fornetimes, by di- verting their forces from his Church into force other :lc- ceiTaly channel!, or ambitious defigne of their owne. Thus Ra617,44b and his hoall were called ficomTudah': 2 Kin 9.7,q. fo the Lord promiled his people that when they went up to appeare before him thrice ayeere he would divert the defires of their enemies from their land,Exod.34.24. Thus Indian the Apoilate,havingbut twomaine plots to honou,.(as he fiippofed) his govern- ment and his idols withal1, the fubduingof the Per fian, and the rooting out of the Galilcans, as becalled them ; was prevented Fro:n thisby being fira overthrowne in the other; for the prolperous fucceffe ofwhich expedi- tion he vowed unto his idoll-gods a facrifice, ofall the Chriflians in the Empire, as Gregorie Naziancil rela- teth. Sometimes by idatuating, and implanting a fpi- rit of giddinetle and diara6tion in the enemies of his Church, making them deflitute both of cowl-fell and courage. When God would punifh Babylon (which was a type of the enemies of Chrifls Kingdorne)hee made their hearts melt, that they fhould bee amazed at one another, and their faces fhould be like flames, ElAy 13.7,8. that is, not onelypale like a flame, but rather, as I conceive, full ofvarietie of fearefiill impreffions,and ditiraaed paffions : nothing fo tremulousfo various, fo eafily beaded every way with the finalleil blafl as a flume : In their feare fhould make their bloud and fpi- rits in their faces to tremble, quiversand varie, to come and goe likea thinne flame in them; lo God threatneth to mingle a peiverfe fpirir, to make the Ipirit of Egypt faile in thern,and their wifedorne to pc; ifh, 8/a/.19.1,2, 3,14,17. and thus likewife the Lord dealt with if/ban in that Perfian expedition,he put a fpirit of folly in him to burnehis Chips and fo to put a necelfity ofcourage in his people,as the old Gauls did againil C4/4r, and then to leave them all dellitute of neceficary releefe.s Some- times