The ViElorie ofChrift. 11[1wee .... times by ordering cafualties and particular emergencies for thedeliverance ofhis Church, a thing wonderfully gene in the hiflories of Iofeph and 6Her. Thus as a man,by a chime madeup offverall links,fome ofgold, others ofCher, other ofbraffe, iron, or tinne, may bee drawne out ofa pit: fo the Lord by the concurrence of feverall unfubordinate things,which have no manner of dependance, or naturall coincidencie amongfl them- felves, bath oftentiines wrought the deliverance of his Church, that it might appeare to bee the worke of his owne hand.Sometimes byorderingand arming naturall caufes to defend hisChurch, and to amaze the enemie. x°474.-57:1: Thus the flarres in their condo are faid to fight againtl Siferot,/adg.5 .20. Amighty winde from heaven bea- tingon their faces difcomfited them,as lofepbta reports. So the Chritlian armies under 7Aatiofixt againfl Ettge- ...%'ugdre777. tutu the Tyrant were defended by winds from heaven, which fnatcht away their weapons out of their hands. To make good that Promife, No 'ream that isformed thccJhall profffr. So the Lord flew the enemies of iefhtha with haIle. tof.t T .1 1. And thus the Moabites wereoverthrovvne byoccafion of the Sunnefhining up- on the water, 2 Ktifg.3.22,23. Sometimes by implan- ting phantafies and frightfull apprehenfions into the mindesof the encmie, as into the Midianites, hag. 7. 13,14. The Aflyrians, aKiv. 7.6. thus the Lord cau- .1.c. fed a voyce to be heard in the Temple Ix fore the defiru- &ionof lerufa!em, warning the faithful' to goe out of the Citie. Sometimes by flirting up and profpering weake and contemptible meanes to fhew his Glorie thereby. The Medes and Ferfians were an effeminate Brfon. de neg. andluxurious people, Cyrus a meane prince,for hee was 'Pall z. not at this time the emperour ofthe Medes or 13rfians, but onely fonne in law to Darim or Cjaxare1, and yet the fe are made inflruments to overthrow that nioft valiant people, the Babylonians, Erai. 45. To 13. 3.17. K k 499 VERS. 5,6.