The VidorieofChi 5o ff &halowas afraid to perfecuce the Chriaians, as his pre- s .5,6. decefFours had done, len they fhould thereby increafe ; NaKian.Orat.3. he forbore it outofenvie, and not out ofmercy, as Na. U111444.1. aziati.obferves. Sometimes by turning their owne devi- ces upon their heads, ruining them with their owne co unfels, and it may bedifpatching them with their own hands. Thus the Lord fet every mans fworcl againa his fellow in the huge holl of the Midianites, Inds. 7.22. So Pilate and Nero, the one the murtherer of Chria, reitts4.1polog. theother the dedicatour of allthe confequentgreat per- cap. 5. 0 Eu06. fecutions, bothdiedby their owne hands, as being moil . wicked and moil cruell, and therefore fittea to revenge the caufe of Chria and his people upon themfelves. Thus Goddid not onely curfc the counfell, but revenge the treafonof Achitophelby anailofthe moil defperate folly and inhumanity which couldbe cornmitted.Some- times by hardning themunto amoil defperate profecuti- on oftheir owne mine, as in thecafe of Pharaoh, fide- ring them to lift at the (lone fo long,till it loofen, and fall upon them, Zech.12.3. Matth.2 t .44. Sometimes by ingratiating the Church with them to their owne de- firu6tion,ashe did Ifrael with thekgyptians,Exod. 12. 3 5, 36. By thefe and a world the like meanes doth the Lordoverthrow the enemiesofhis kingdome. Now all this is Int& day ofhis wrath, or in hisowne due time : where wemaynote by the way, that Chrifi bath wrath in him afwell as made. Though hee be by wicked and fecure men mifconceived, as if he were only companionate : yet lafa patientia fatfuror, he will more forely judge them hereafter, whom heedoth not per- fvvade nor allure here. So mercifull he is, that he is cal- led a Lambe for meekneffe, and yet fo terrible, that he is called a Lien for fury. It is true,fury as not in birm,name- ly, to thofe that apprehendhis firength and make their peace with him, ,Efay 27.4.6.But yet to thole that will not kiffe, that is, not love, worfhip, nor obey him, hee K k 2 can P