VER SE Fruit of ChrirlsExaltation. liveby faith, and fetch our tirength, as we life it, from Chriii, and waite in hope of a better condition,and glo- rifie the patience and forbearance of God who is pro- vokedeveryday. To comfort us likew ife ; Firii,dgainft allowunavoidable and invincible infirrnities;evcrygood Chriflian defires to ferve the Lord with all his firength, &fires to be enriched, CO be fiedfati, unrnoveable,abun- dant in the worke ofthe Lord, to doe his will eu the An- gel" in heaven.doe it : yet in many things they faile, and have daily experience of their ownedefe6.1s. But here is all the comfort, though I am not able to doe any ofmv duties as I fhould, yet Chria bath finned all his to the full, and therefore though I am cornpaffeet with infirmi- ties, fo that I cannot doe the things which I would,yet I have a cornpoffionate advocate with the Father, who both giveth and craveth pardon for every one that pre- pared., his heart to feeke the Lord, though he be not per- fernycleanfed,1 loh.2.2. z Chron.3o. 18,19. Secondly, Againft thepertinacie, and clofe adherenceofour corrup- tiont,which cleave as fail unto us as the verypowers and faculties of ourfoule, as heat unto fire, or light unto the Sunne. Yet fare we are that he who forbad the fire to burne, and put blackneffe upon the face ofthe Sunne at midday, is able likewife to remove our corruptions as farrefrom us as he hath removed them from his owne light. And the ground ofour expeaacion hereof is this, Chritl whenhe was upon the earth,in the formeofa fer- vant accomplifhed all the Offices of fuffering and obe- dience for us: Therefore being nowexaltedfarreaboveall heaven', at the right hand ofMajeRieand glory, he will much more fulfill thofe OfficesofPower which he hath there to doe. Which are by the fupplies ofhis Spirit to purge us from finne, by the fufficiencie ofhis grace to firengthen us,by his word to fanaificand cleanfe us,and to?relent us to himfelfe aglorious Church without /pot or wrinkle. He that broughtfrom the dead the Lord lepu, atf4