502, The VtdorieofChrill. ..01.tlywMe.y....w, .41M..e.....u ar VER 5 6 . can with a little wrath fhew hitnfc1Fe very terrible,Pfd. 2.1 a. He commeth fiil with peace, Luke 10.5, but it is Paxconce14, not pax emendicata, a peace mercifully of.. fered, not a peace growing out of anyneceffity or exi- gencies onhis part, and fo wrought by wayofcompoh- tion for hisowne advantages. The peace ofa Conque- rout, Zech.9. To. A peace which putteth conditions to thole towhom it is granted, that they [hail be tributa- riesand fervauts unto him, Dent. 20. Io, r 1, 12. Therc- .. fore the Apoille faith, that he came to preach or to pro.. % dal= peace, Ephef:2.17. but if we rejea it,he then fol- lowes the direaions of folb414,7heft mine enemies which would not have me to raigneover them, bringthem hither' . andflaj them before me, lank! 19.27. But the maine thing here to be noted is, that Chtift A hash a Day, a wojacoyia.3 prefixed, and conflituted time wherein het will be avenged on the greatea of hisene- mies. When he forbeares, and fuffers them to prevaile, yet fill he holdeth the line in his owne hand, the hooke of his decree is in their tic:arils, and he can take them fhort when hee will. Jr is never want of power, wif- dome, or love to his Church, that their quarrel! is rot prefently revenged ; but all thefe are fitted to his grea- ter glory. The Lord fcemeth to negle6I, to breake up the hedge, to {leer while his Church is finking (as Chriff tohis Difciples fcemed careleffe, /friark.4. 3 8,39.) fo frequently in Scripture the Saints expoflulate with God in an humble and mourning debate, Why Pepeft thou, 0 Lord! Arife, cagus not offfor ever,Tfah 44. 23. rer.i4. 8,9. But God hath his guareagainfl us too for this infirmitic and haiie of ours: FFIgfigrfl thou 0 lacob,andjpeakefi 0 /frac', myway rshidfrom the Lord, andmy judgement it paredoverfrommy God ? That is, he hath not taken notice ofmy calamitie. Haft thou not k.nowne, ball thou not heard, that the everlafling God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not, neither