Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

TheVidorieofChrift. neither ss weary t There is nofearchingofhies underfian- ding, Ell4o. 27,28. He is wonderful! in counfelland excellent in working; and therefore he doth not {lum- ber nor fleepe : but only in vvifdome ordereth times and feafons, that there may in the end be the greater glory unto him, and, in the thingsdone, the morebeantie. E- very thing, faithSalomon, is teautfall in its time; ifyou gather it before, it lofethboth its beautyarrdvertue. It would bee a madneffe for a man to mow downe his come when itis in the greene blade. Hee waiteth, faith the ApoIlle, for the precious fruit of theearth, and hatll longpatience, Iasi. 5. 7. Now the Prophet airureth us, that Light, that is, comfort, refrerhment, peace, delive- rance isfownefor the righteosee,Pfal.9 11.It was fowen for the people ofGod when they were in captivity, thoughto themfelves they leanedas dead men in their graves, yet indeed they were dead but as feed in the fur- rowes, which revivediagaine, Plataz6.5,6. and there- fore the Lord likewife ( like Saint /Ames his husband- man) is Paid towait, that he maybe gracious tohispeo- ple, E fay 30.18. Thougha man fuffer never fomuch in- jury, and be molt violently kept out of his owne right, yet he mawait till time and matureproceedings have brought on his matters to a triall ; therefore the Lord calleth it The_pareof recompencesfor the controverfiesof Efety 34.8. It is not for private men to order the periods, or flints, or revolutions of times wherein buii- neffesare tobe tried ; but publike authoritiecon tli tutes that, and every man muff wait for the appointed time : fo the Churchmull not let God the timeswhen it would bee heard or eafed ; but mull trufl his wifedome and " power, kr.49.19. for there is a fit timewherein he will have mercy upon Sion, Pfid.to2.1 3. Now this Time is ruled and bounded by theieconfi- ! derations when the fume ofthe enemie is growen ripe, and his heart proud and infolent againfi God and K k 3 his 503 VERS. 5,6.