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5o4. The Vidorie of aro. VERS. 5 ,6. his people; when he trampleth upon the poorer when he facrificeth to his ownenet,whenhe adoreth his owne connfels,when he &nett) his owne condition, and thin- keth that none can pull himdowne ; then is it a time for God to (hewhimfelfe,and to flir up his glory.ft is time (faith (David)for thee, 0Lord, to worke, for they have made voidthy Law, (1) I T9.126. Sooutragious they are, that their fury runneth over from thy fervants to thine ordinacces, to blot out the very=records ofheaven, the name and feare of God out ofthe earth. Avid this eatina and period of time wee finde frequently in the Scriptures given in thefourthgeieratian they 16217 come hither againe, for the iniritieof the ilmorites is notyet Gen. i x6. It is not growen to that ripeneffe and cornpaife, as I inmy wife,fecret, and patient providence 'will permit. 0 thou this tinellefi upon many waters, a- bundent in treaftores (faith the Lord to Babylon) thine end is come, and the meafure of thy covetoufnefe, 3. when men have filled up the meafure of their finne, then is their end come ; bee their wealth, or fafety, or their naturall,or acquired munition never fo great : Put you in the fickle, faith the Prophet,for the hervell it ripe, comegetyoudowne for theprep isfull, thefatsover-flow, for the wickednere is great, Joel 3. x 3. When wicked- !wife is fo great, that it filleth all the veffels, then is the Lord ready to put in his fickle, and to cut it downe. It is further demandedwhen linneisfoil ? To this I an- fiver that there are three things principally which fet forth the fulneffe offinne, Vniverfality, Impudence and ObflinAry:Firftwhen a whole Land is filled with it,that there are none to intercedeor to (land in the gap, when from Streets to Palaces ' from Houfes to Courts, from Schooles to Churches, fromevery corner finne breaketh forth, fo that bland toucheth blond. The Lend isfigof adulterers, faith the Prophet, hecalife offwearers the Zand moursetjafor both Prieli4101,Prephet nreprofane, yea