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TheVidorie ofChri. I 505 41 yea in my barge have I found their wkkednefre, faith the Lord, ler. 23 .IG,II. when inevery place, and at every view thereare new, and more abomination:,Ezek.8:. I 7. ler.54-6. Secondly, when finne is impudent, whorifh and ourragious; when there is no feare, modefly or re- draint, but it 'breaketh all bonds, and like a raging lea overrunneth the bankes. Theydeclare their jinn as So- dome, faith the Prophet, andhide it not : woe unto their pales, Efay 3.9. it is fo full that it breakesout into their countenance,hypocrhie it felfe is too narrow to cover it. This isthat which the Apofilecalleth Anexcefje of riot, and the Prophet, a rulhing like an borfe into thebattell. Nowwhen God thus givesa man over, finne will not be long a filling up; when lulls breake forth,and throng to gether, when from concupifeence finne goes on to con- ception and delight, to foriitation and contrivance, to birth and execution,to education,and cullotne,to main- tenances and defence, to gloryand boafting, 'to infenfi- bilitie, hardneffe, and a reprobate fence, then there is fuck a fulneffe in finne as is neere unto curling, the very next fiep is hell. Lastly, when fin= holds out in,flobl, bornenere, and is incorrigible, when the remedy is refu- fed,the pardon reje&ed, the peace nor accepted ; Then is finne come to its fulneffe. The finne of the Amorites was neverquite full, but when they rejeted that peace, mercy, and fubje6tion to Godspeople, which was oft;- red them firfl. But when men finne againfl thole ineanes ofgrace which are fent unto them, and leaveno remedie to thernfelves ; no marvel! if the Lord give them over, and let in the enemieupon them, 2 Chron.36. 16. There- forewe mud take heed of finifhing finne, for it is not fin, but the confummationand finifbing of films which con - deinnes a man. Now when thus the finne ofthe enerriie is grown fo ripe, that it breaketh forth into pride and infultarion a- nainfl Gods people,thcn is the Lords time to (hew him- K k 4 fdfe : y ER S. 5,6. Efay48.4. Ier.3.3. durior //ohsefi, ab ipig el- in :pro deli- Cto j impudenti- amdolla.Ter tut. de vel. virg. c. Rom.i.z .z6. Efay 69. 27. Dunefirvitur libidinifaaeft confuetudo,414 conflietadiai necegitac. Aug. confeff:lib.8. vidBeuard. de GradibusTaper-