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Sob VERS. 5)6 The Vidorie ofChrift. .....1110111esromnMmINIMI.. ,111 Celle 1will retortbeg/thew° thee,faith the Lord to his Church, ad/willbeale tbeeof thy wounds, keearife they called theean fayinc, le Sion whom noman feeketbafter, ler.30.17. fee ler.50.11. Etek...25.3.28. 0bael.v.3,4. when the high wayes were wane and the way- faring man ceafed, and the enemic regar- ded no man-- Now, faith theLord, will 1arife, NOW will 1 be ex..1ted,&c.Efig 3 .8- - t I. when the enemieshelp forward the afiliolonof Gods people,and by their pride and infultation doe double the misery which is upon them, then will the Lord returne to them in mercies,and be fore difpleafed with his eneinies,Zeeb. t.i 5,16.Efal,6. Secondly, when Gods people are throughly humbled and purges, for God ufeth wicked menbut as his flaffe aweapon, as his fireor ran to correet and purge them, Efay to. t z. He intendeth not in his punifhments fuch feverity againfi them, as againa their enemies if the rod be for the childe, the fire is for the rod, Efay 27.7, 8.9. Whenmen are fo fmitten, that theycan returne to him that fmiteth them, and not revolt more and more, for God will not throw any more dartsat thole who are funke and dead already : when they are flirted in their heartsjoyntly to feeke the Lord, and to meet him in the wayofhis judgements,and to compaifionate and favour the dull of Sion, then is thedayof his wrath; for when Gods time to deliver apeople is come, he will more a- bundantly flirre up the hearts of hispeople to pray for it, Ppd.ro2. 16.17. D4a.9.2.3. whereas, when he will defiroy a people, bee will not fuffer his Saints topray, /er.24.1 I. Thirdly,when all humane hopes and expeefationsare gone, when a people is fo pilled andbroken, that they haveno ecalrage,meanes, fuccours or probabilities left then is Gods time to deliver his Church, and topunifl: his CileilliCS : The Lordlball judgehis people, and repeat himfelfe