TheVidorieof°rift. 507 hinifelfifor hie Servants, when heefeeth thattheirpower igene,Dent.32.36. P.141.68.20,1°931. In one word when the preparations and prerniies as it were unto nods glory arebell ordered , andputaogether, then is the day ofhis wrath come. The Church then need not to bee of+ downe with the infiltration of her enemies , fince Chrifi is the fame yeaerday, and to day,and for ever;fuch as hee was ever to his Church, fuch bee is Rill. Ifhee have delivered his Church from the pride of her enemies heretofore , his power, truthwatchfulneffe,compaffion is the fame fiill and by faith in themwee may rebuke Saran , weemay chide away the vveakneffeand feareofourowne hearts, wee may rejoice againf thole that infult over us, when they rage moil wee may hope their time is Ilion , and that it is but the biting of a wounded beaft. Therefore wee finde the Saints in Scripture arme themfelves againfl prefent danoers 3 with the confideration ofwhat God hathdone forhis Church in timespari,7y468.7,8.74. 13-18. E./4451.9,10,x I. Habak.3. And in the confi- denceofthe fame truth and power breake forth into a holy (come of their enemies, Mich.7.8,9,ro. Epsi.5o. 8,9. In the forefl extremities wee may fixour faith on God, and hee delighteth to bee depended upon alone, when all outwardhelpes and-probabilities faile,freEfiti. 41.17318. Hob .3.17 ,x8. Amillion ofmen came againfi iffa,one ofche hugefi hoafts ofmen that were ever read I of, yet by relying on God they were all delivered into hishand; and the reafon isadded,becaufeGodbath eyes, and fircngch, or as hee is defcribed , Revel 5,6. Seven homes and feveneyes,muchwifedome i andmuchpower to thew himfelfe valiant in the behalfe of thole that wale uprightly, 2(bran. 16,8.9. Wee Ibould learne likewise to rejoyce and tr;urrph withal thailcfiilneffe of heart when Chriii EitAueth theenemies ofhis Kingdome,and givethdeliverance and refrefh- VERS. 5,6. Deut.zo.3,4. ECai.5 LI 2,13. Dan. L.6,7,P. Icr.3 t.8.