ert0 ERS4 The ViElorieof Chriji. refreaiment tohis people. When hee maketh his hand Ica6wen tohis fervants, and his fury to his enernies,then fhould all they that love Hierufalem rejoyee , Efai.664 to. Thus the Church after they were delivered from the malice ofHaman inaituted days ofjoyand feeling, Eller 9.z2.It is a figne ofan evil! heart againa the peace and profperity of the Church of Chria , to envie , or flight, or thinke bafely of the inaruments and wayes whereby Chria delivereth it; as wee fee in Tobiah and Sanballat, Nehen5.4.2,3. Laaly , wee fhould learne wifedome to lay hold on the times and feafons ofGods peace, becaufe beebath a day ofwrath too; to apprehend the offers andopportu- nities of grace. Chrift had been at the Churches dare, and had knocked for admittance; but negle&ing that feafon, hee was gone,tind much fhce fu&I'dbefore fhee could finde him againe , Cant.5.2-7. When the Lord fpeaketh unto us in hisordinances, and by the fecret mo- tions and perfvvafions of his holy Spirit, wee fhould not deferre, nor,put himo,asFelix didPaulto Tome other time , but purfue theoccafon, and fit our felves to doe, every duty in Godstime.There is a time for every worke, and it is beautiful! onely in its time; and therefore fit it is, that wee fhould obferve wifely the fignes and natureof the times,114attki6.2. Ai accordingly proportion our devotions for the Church andour felves. It is the worft loffe of time, to let flip the feafonsofgrace,and fpirituall wifedome , till it may bee Gods time ofmercy ispaired over. Ifchou hada knowen in this thy day the thingthat concerne thy Peace. But now thyday is over, and my dayofwrath is come , they are now hidden from thine eyes. Heelball judge among!' the Heathen.] Byheathen We are to underaand the fame with Enemies, veria ;and `People, Efigi.63.6. Meaningall the armies and fwarmes ofChrias enemies either fpirituall or. fccular. The word Gentiles ,