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The VidorieofChrift. Gentiles was a word of great contempt and deteflation amongfl God people, as the word lean is now amongfl us; a proverbial) word to call reproachand fhamc upon men. Therefore the Apoille faithoftheEphefians, that in times paired they had been gentiles in theflelh, Eph.2. t. As if by being Chriflians they had ceafed to bee Gentiles, or rather that word had ceafed to bee a terme ofreproach. So that Gentile was a word offcorne, as Samaritan,loh.8.4.8. or Canaanite, Ex,ek..16.3. or Pub- /lean , Matth.18.17. Luk.18.1 . And therefore wee finde thofe two Hill joyned together Publicansand lim- ners ; and fo the Apoale joyneth thofe twowords gen- tilesandfanners, gal.2.15. So then the word Heathen is added by David to the enemiesofChrifi , to render them the more odious , and to expreffe their more ab- jeR and hatefull condition.; an therefore whenGod wouldcall notable reproach upon hispeople heecalleth them Sodomites,andGentiles, So then the meaning is,hismoft abjea and hatefull enemies, that are unto him as levves and Samaritans , bee !hall judge, that is, hee(hall condemne and punifh them. Whence wee may note, That Chrifls vitiorieover bit enemies fballbee by way ofpleadingand difceptation. His military is likewife a judiciary proceeding grounded upon righteous and eflablifhedLawes. Therefore the dayofGods wrath is calleda time ofvengeance,and re. cornpence for the Controverlies ofSion, Efai.34.8. To Phew that the Lord doth not take vengeance but by way ofdcbate. And therefore when hee punifheth,hee is faid to plead with men. The Priefl laidnot where is the Lord , and they that handle the Law knew mee not, &c. Wherefore I will yet pleadwith you , faith the Lord, andwithyoto Children: Childrenwill Iplead, ler. 2.8,9. So topleadand to take vengeance goe together, ler.51.36. And the Lord is faid toreprove with equitie; and tofmite the earth with the rod ofhis mouth; that is 509 VERB. 5,6. Came? on do Etriefia,pag 3 3. 34.weemscbri- flian Synag. Pag.137.