0 VERB. $,6. TheFidorie ofChrill. is, to convince, and argue before bee doth punifh, Efai. 11.4. as wee fee in the cafe ofSodom, Gen.i8.21-33. Herein the Lord fheweth that all our mifery beginner at our (elves. That ifwee perifkit is becaufewe would not take his counfell,nor be guidedby his will;Thathee did not fell us to any ofhis creditors,but that for our ini- quities wefold oarfelves,Efal.50.1. Inhumane warres, though never fo regularly and righteoufly ordered , yet many particular menmay perifhwithout any perfonall guilt oftheir owne. Ddirant Reties, ple5luntur Achivi. But in thefe warres ofChria , there (hall not a man pe- rifb,till hee bee&II convinc'd by a judiciary proceeding, of his owne demerit. Every mouth mull bee flopp'd, and all the world by the evidence and acknowledge- ment of their owne confcience become guilty before God, beforehis wratl-ofhallfeife upon them. The Lord lent Noah topreach , before hee fent a floud to deflroy the oldworld. Heargued withedambefore he thrufi himout of Paradife. The voyce goeth ever before the rod,biich.6.9.Thiscourfeour Savior obferved towards himwhohad not thewedding garment. Firfi,convinced him till hce was fpeechleffe, and then call him intoutter darkneffe,LMattb.21.1 z,T 3. And this courfe the Lord tooke with his people when hee punifbed them, Efai.5. 3,4. Ames For hee will have the confciences ofmen to fubfcribe, and acknowledge the juilneffe ofhis proceedings,and tocondemne themfelvesby their owne witneffc ; when heeentreth into judgement hcedoth it by line andplummet, Efiti.28.17. In proportion tothe meanes ofgrace negle5ted , to the patienceand forbea- rance abufcd , to the times of grace overflipped, to the purityofthe Lawviolated and profaned.Wemuff take heed therefore of continuing Gentiles , of beingaliens from that commonwealthofIfrael , and (gangers from the covenant ofprornife of livingwithout God in the world. No man can withhope or comfort fay, Enter not into