Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

The VidorieofChrifl. 1 5 intojtsdgement,but hee who is the Lordsfervant,andof VERS. 5,6. his houfhold; wee mull be all ingrafted into thenatural' Olive,and become the icedoft,e6rabotm,& Imes by co- TIMINt I before Chrifi will bee our peace or reconcile us unto his Father, R011.2.29.11.! 7- 2i. Ga1.6.r6. Eph. 2.11-14. HeeAakfilitheplace: with deadBodies.] This notes thegreataufe of the vi&ory, that none thould be left to bury their dead. There null be an univerfall deftruSion ofwickedmen together in the dayof Gods wrath, they (ball be bound up inbundies,and heaped for damnation, Mattb.13.30. Pfd.37.38. Efai. 145.66.17. And it notes the thinne and difhonor ofthe enemie, they fhall lie like duno ° upon the face of the earth,and (hail bee be- holding to their visors for a bale and difhonorable bu- riall, as wee fee in the great baud,' with Gag and Magog, Er.ek39.I1-16. Heelballwoand the Headover masiy Coro:tries.] Either fiterAlly,Antichrift,Rev.i7.1.18.Who taketh uponhim to bee oecumenical! Bifhop,and Monarch,and to difpofe ofcrownes , and difpence Kingdomes at his pleafure. Or fpiritssally, Satan, who is the Prince *Mid World, whole head Chrifi was to cinch, and tread under our '1 feete, Gen.3.15. Romi 6.2o. Orflpratively,the Head, that is, the counfell and power ofmany nations, which (hall at !all appeare to have been but a vainc thing,Pf4/. 2.2. 1 Cora r19. What fenfe foever wee follow , maine thing to bee obferved is that which wee hanled before; that Chriff will in due time utterly defiroy the greateil , the highea , the wifeii of his enemies. And therefore this may fuffice upon this verfe. VERSE