Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

1 512 VERSE7. The Sufferings 411.50162111114121M4 eaammamagelal. 1610.10.i1 VERSE 7. Heelhalldrinkeofthe Brooke in thevlay: therefore Mall hee lift up the Head. ..°P=Wicit401 Ome underhand thefe words in the fence ofthe two for- mer, for a figurative expref- fionoftheviaories ofChrift; and they in a twofold man- ner. Some by broo., under.. hand the blondoftheadver- facie with which the way fhould bee filled as with a hreatne: and by drinkinghereof the fatiating,refrefhing, and delightinghimfelfe in theconflation of his enemies; for the Lord is eafed when his enemiesare fubdued,Efori. 1.24. Others , that hee fhould purfuehis vi6torie with fuch heate and importunity , that hee fhould not alow himfelfe any tirnes ofufuall repaa , but thould content himfelfe with fuch obvious refrefhment as thouldoffer it felfe in the way : and fhould itnmediatly lift uphis head againe , to purfue the enemie at the heck ; and in this fink there is no more newmatter here intimated than that which bath beenbefore handled. Others underhand the :manes whereby thould thus