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andAefitrredionofCbri 513 thus lift uphis head and exalt himfelre above all the ene- VE R S E 7. mies of his Kingdome, namely by his Pafflon, andAge- rings ; by death dearoying death and him that had the power; ofdeath,vvhich isthe Devil). I will not undertake to define which fence is moil agreeable to theplace; it being fodifficult. But uponoccafionofthis latter(which I thinke, is more generally embraced ) I (hall fpeake Comethingofthe meanes and ground ofChriiis vicffories over his enemies, and ofhis government in his Church, namely his fufferingsand refurreaion. He fhAll drink! of the brooke in theway] By Brooke thenor Torrent we may underfland the wrath of God, and the rage ofmen.Theaffli6hons and fufferings which befell Chriff. And this is a very frequent Metaphore in holy Scriptures to underffand affliainns by water, Pra1.18.4,5. 42.7. 69.1.1244,5. So the wrath ofthe - --- Lord is called a flreame, and a lake, Eta, 30.33. Rtevel., 19.20. In regard oftherage and irrefillibleneffe thereof, Sternitagros, PermitIota lata,botomilabores, and in re- gard ofthe turbidneffe and fouleneffe thereof; for Gods wrath is full of dregs, Efay 51.17. T/41.75.8. It is Paid in the Hifloryof Chrillspaffion, when he.was going to wreffle with that woefull agony in the garden, that bee paredoverthe brooks Cedron. leb.I8.1. And we may obferve in the Hifforyofthe Kings, that when the good Kings Hez,ekiah, and Afi, and lafiab, purged the Chic and theTemple of idolatry, they burnt the curled things at thebrooke Kidron, andcall them thereinto,2 Chre.15 . 16. 2 Cbron.29.16. 30.14. 2 King.23.6. TOnote Un- to us that that brooke was the finke, as it were, of the Temple,that into which al the purgamenta,and unclean- neffes of Gods houfe, all the curled things were tobee call; with relation whereunto it is not. improbable that the Prophet Davidby a prophetical! fpirit might not!- fie the fufferings ofChrill, by drinking of that curled brooke over whichhee was topaffe, to figs the that on him