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514 VF R S E 7. 1 111111104,01P fe cxat tabit. Hieron. The Su erings him all the faithfull might y and powre out their fins, who is therefore faid to be made true, andadolefor us, 2 07.5. 21. GaL3.13.Pss the people when they laid their ,,, hands on the headofthe facriflce,didthereby,as it were, unload all their finnes upon it. Now as waters tignifie AffliEtions ; fa there arc two I words with relation therm Ito, which fignifie fuffering of afflaons, and they are both applied unto atilt, Are yee able to drinkeof the cup that I (hall drinke of, or be baptized with that Baptifine that I ambaptizedwith ? He that drinketh bath the water in him; he that is dipped or plunged, hath the water about him : So it notes the univercalitie of the wrath which fuffered, it wasvithinhim, Myforsh heAvieun- to death ; and it was all about him, betrayed by Ludas, accufed by Lewes, forraken by Dilciples, mocked by Herod, condemned byPilate, buffeted by the fervants, nailed by the fouldiers, reviled by the theeves and Ran- ders by, and whichwas all inall,forfakenbyhis Father. So thenby drinkingof the brooke is meant fuffering of the curfes, and it is frequently fo uicd, kr. Ede l 23.32.34. Hab.z.16.Reve/o4.9.1o. By [The way we mull underftand either the l!fe of Chrifi on earth,his paffage betweene hisaffumed volun- tary humility andhis exaltation agsine ; or The way6e. tweeamapkndand heaven,whichbythat floudofwrath and torrent ofcuries, which were w Plaw, COL2614. was made utterly unpaffable, till Chrifi by his fufferings made a path thorow it, for the ranfomed of the Lord to paffeover. Therefore !ball he lift up the head.] It noteth in the Scripture phrafc vtilory, eluaation, and breaking tho- ow thofe evils which did urge and preffe a man before, Plat. z 7.6. and alto holdncffe, confidence and fecuritie to the whole body, bike21. t 8. And further, it is not, He (hall be lifted up, but, He (hall doe it hinifilfe. He bath the