Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

andefiirreEliondfChrO. 515 .411...... the power of life, and the fountaine of life in himfelfe, V' R S E 7. lob. 5.26. io.18. So that following this fenfe ofthe words, the meaning is, He (hall fuffer, and remove all 'gthofe curies which were in the way between mankinde andheaven, and then he (hall lift uphis head in the Re- furrcetion, and breake thorow all thole fufferings into glory againe ; which fenfe is moll punctually and ex- prefly unfolded in thole parallel places, bik.24.26-46. He /halldrinke ofthe &rooke in theway] From hence we may note, Firft, that betweene mankindeand hea- ven there is a torrent ofwrath and curies, which doth everlaflingly feparate betweene us and dory ;1,4.xdolz4 isiiedkv, a greatand fixedgulfe, which all theworld can neither wade thorow, nor remove. The Lawat firft was an eafie and finooth way to righteoufneffe, and from thence to falvation, but now every ftep thereof finkes as lowas hell.It is writtenwithin and without with cur- ies, which way foever a man lilacs, he findes nothing but death before him: one mans way by the civility of hiseducation, the ingenuitie of his difpofition, the en- gagement ofother ends or relations, may feeme more fmooth and plaufiblethan anothcrs, but bynature they all runne intohell, as all rivers, though never lo different in other circumflances, runne into the fea. It is as irnpof- fible for a naturall manofhimfelfe to efcape damnation, as it is to make himfelfeno childe ofthe old Adam, or not to have been- begotten by flefhly parents. The gidfe of fin in our nature cannot be cleanfed;and there- fore the Guiltthereofcannot be removed. The Image we have loft is by us torepairable ; the Law we have violated, inexorable; the luilieewe have injured, unfit- thflable ; thecoacupifienceof our nature ixfatiablefume anaverfion from an infinitegood,and aconverfion to the creature infinitely; and therefore the guilt thereof infi- nits and uremoveabletoo. L i We