andRefurreEhon ofChris am. *mom* life, fcored upagainfl thy poorefoule, and each ofthem tobe produced at the lafl, and either anfwered or re- venged. 0where (hall the ungodly and (inners appeare If they have not right in Chritt ? And how fhould men labour tobe fecured in that right? Whowould Puffer fo many millions ofobligations and indi9rnents to lye be- tweene him and God, uncancelled, and not labour to have them takenout ofthe way ? Now the onely way tobe brought hereunto is,to deny our felves and all we doe; todoe nogood thing for thisend that we may mil in it, or rely upon it when we have done,but after all to judgeout-I-elvesunprofitable fervants,: when wee have prayed, to fee hell betweene heaven and our prayers ; when weehave preached, to fee hell betweeneheaven and our fermons ; when wehave done anyworke ofde- votion,to fee hell between heaven and all our Cervices, if God fhould marke what is amide in them, and fhould enter into judgement withus : In one word, to fee hell betweene heaven and any thing in the world dfe, five onely betweene Chrifl and heaven. Till in this manner men be qualified for mercy, they will have no heart to defire it, andGod hathno purpofe to conferre it. Chrifl mull be dleemed worthyofall acceptation,befo re God beftowes him: and the way fo toeke= of him is, to feele our felves the greatefl 01311 (inners. And when the foule is thus once humbled with the talk and remem- brance ofthat worme- vvoodand gall which is in finne, there is then an immediate !mirage unto hope and mer- cy, Lamest. ;.19-22,. and that hcpc is this. That Chrsii bath drunken:9 , and driedthat torrent of curies which was betweene us and heaven , and hath made a paffage through them all by hitnfelfe unto his FathersKingdome. He was made finne and a curie for us, that fo hee might fwallow upCaine anddeath, and might bee the dell:no-lion of hell, Hof. t 3.4.. I will herebut touch upon two things.Firil,Wba Chriflfuf e_ I.1 3 red. 517 VE