518 VERSE 7-he Su erings red. Secondly,why&fuffered: for undereanding oldie fire we muenote,firil,that Chtias Thimateepature was t. by the hypo/ titanVniam: exalted unto many dignities, which toall the Creatures in the world befidcs ateutter- ly incornmunicable;as the communicationofproperties,, the adorationofAngels; the primogeniture ofthe Crea- tures the cooperation with the Deltic inmany mighty workes, the fatisfaaion ofan infinite juilice by a finite paffiona . Exalted likewiie it washy hioffiiritssall boas aboveall his kllowesvvith that unmeafurable nekofgrace, as wonderfully furpaifeth the united and cumulated perfe6lions of all the ,Angels inheaven. Se- condly, wee muti note likewile, that all tilde things Chriii received for the workeofmans Redemption, and- therefore he had them in fuch a maner as was moil fine- able and convenient far the execution of that work, NowChrifl was to fulfill that worke by a wayofsuffe- ring and obedience, by death to deftroy him that had the power of death, as David by Goliahs fword flew- him that was mailer ofthe fword. As there fella migh- ty tempeiluous winde upon the red fea, whereby the paffage was opened for Mad to goe out of Egypt into Canaan; fo Chria was to be tome and divided by his fufferings,that fo there might be a pairage for ustoGod,. through that feaof wrathwhich was between our gYPt and our Canaan our finne andour'Salvation.Here then are two generalfRules robe obfervecl concerning, the fufferings ofChriff. Fire, that the Oeconomie or difpenfation of his Mediatorfbip is the meafure of all that he fuffered.. So much as that requited, he did fuf- fer,andmorehe did not : for though he fuffered as man, yet he fuffered not becaufe he was a man,but becaufe he was a Mediator. Secondly, in as much as a Mediatour berweeneGod and (inners was to beholy and feparate From fanners (for ifhe fhould havebeene a finner,he had beene one of the parties, andnot a Mediator) therefore none_