and qfurredion ofChrift. Wale.,./ iprow, Mlbalamoss.41 7.4aems4.4. noneof thole fufferings which are repugnant to his ho- lineffe,and, by confequence, unferviceable to the adm nifkation of his office, could belong unto him. Such ohings then as did nowayprejudice the plenitude ofhis grace, theunion ofhisnatures, the quality ofhis media- tion,fuch things as were futeable tohis perfon, and re- quiem for our pardon,fuch aswere poflible for him,and fuck as wereneceffary for us, thole things he fuffered as the punifhmentsofour finnes. Nowpunifhmentsare offeverall forts ; come are fins, Tome onely fromCranes. Some things in feverall refpeOls are both finnes and punienthents. 41 In, relation to the Law, asDeviations, fb they are finne : in relation to the order and difpoetion of Gods providence, fo they are punifhments. As hardneffe of heart, and a reprobate fenfe. Other punifhments arefiveinne, and in this re- gard finne is two wayes confiderable,either as inherent, or as imputed: from finne as inherent, or from thecon- fcioufeffeof finne in a mans felfe, doth arife remorfe,or torment and theworme ofconfcience. Againe, finne as imputedmay be confideredtwo wayes; either it is im- puted upon aground in nature, becaufe the perfons to whomk is imputed are naturally one with him that ori- ginally committed it, and fo it doth femin4 defcend, and is derived upon them. ThusAdams finne ofeating the forbidden fruit is imputed unto us, and the punifh- ment thereof on us derived, namely the privation of Gods Image, and the corruption ofour nature. Or dfe it is inipaged upon a groundofvoluntary contraE1, vadimonie, or fufception, fo that the guilt thereupon growing is not a derived, but an gamed guilt, which did not bringwith it any defrert,or worth ineffe to fuffer, but onelyan obligation and obnoxioufneffe thereunto. As ifa fober and honefl perfonbe furetie for a, prodigall and luxuriousman,who fpending hiseflate upon courfes of intemperance and exceffe, hath difabkd himfelfe to L 1 3 pay 519 VERSE 7. DewNatiir.a. rum benarlim Creatoroptimms, matarum tatum mats ordsizater. Augle 5.44.2 ca. z6. & Tekg.1.%.c.3. DeGrat.&Lib. Arbitr.e 23. de Preede.a.lionam. 4apio.