Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

52, o Eswerra.,1110118111 V1RSE 7, 1,54 v!rtirr6- Tula6v :can"; - 4), de .ictoiNil - 7tv.i1Ct arepg10-* tires (294( 407ittnra' wiles 442 6 sce- madlic,'Apvii- - rcprerfr, I.; tore ;? ; Xeeva. 7474). Greg. ,N.,,V:47140rai:, 36 4t iVirtnitates quxdavivitiora, qutdam In/fere. die* The Su erings amarm. /* pay any ofhis debts; the one cloth for his VitiOU3 d lia- bility deferve impr ifonment, unto which the other is as liable as he, though without any loch Friona:1 deferr. Now then the punihnents which Chria luffered ar# onely Inch as agite unto time thus imputed,* as all our linnes were untoChriti. Aga ine,in puilifhtments we are to diftinguilll betweene puniAmentsinflinedFromwith- out,and pm:lbw/its ingenerated, and immediately re- coiling from the conditionoftheperfon that fiifftreth.Or betweene the Paffioni and //Himofthe men that are punifhed. Pa:Ailments inflieted are thofe paines and dolorous impreflions whi4i God either by his owne immediatehand,or by the millinery offixh inflruments as he is pleafcci toule,doth layupon the ionic or body of a man. Punifhmenrs ingenerated are thole which grow out of the rre4kgreffe and wickeAneffe ofthepet fon lying under the foreand invincible prelcure of thofe paines which are thus inflicted. As Slalphemie,defpaire, and the wormeofconfcience. In one word, force evils ofpunifhinent are' vitiow,eitherformalli in themfelves orfonichamentaliy, and by way of connotation in regard ofthe originals thereof in the perfon fuffering them. Others arc onely dolorom and miferable, which Feline nature,buc doe no way, defile it,nor referre to anyeither pollution or impotency in the perfon fuffering them,and ofchis fort onely were the punifhmentsof Chrifi. Now thefe punifbments which Chrifi thus fuffe- red are either inchoate or confitmmate; inchoate, as all thole penal' defe6ts of our nature which neither were (in nes, nor grounded upon the inherence orfinnes (for hee tooke not our perfonall, but onely our natu rail defeas.) And thefe were either corporeal', as hun- ger, third, wearineffe , and the like; or fpirituall, as feare, griefe forrow , temptations, &c. conrummate, were theifewhichhe fufferedat lafi. And thefe likewife were either corporeal], as shame, mockings, buffets, trials,