Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

andAefitrreHionofChrijl. lesel...m.ammor ON, =11.1. trials , Icon rgings, condemnation, an ignominious and a curled death. Or Cpirituall , and thofewere principally two. Firfl, a punifhment ofDere/it-lion. .114) God, my 4God, whyhall thouforfaken mee? Matth. 27.46. There wasCome kindeoffeparationbetweenGod and Chrili during the time of his fufferings for finne in that curfed manner. For underfianding wherofwemull note that he had afourfoldVnion unto God?Firil,b1his humane Na- ture, which was fo fail united in his perfon to thedivine, that death it Idle did not feparate it eitherfrom the per- fon or from the deltic. It was the Lord that lay in the grave. Secondly , In.Love, and fo there was never any feparation neither, but when heehangedon the Croffe, bee was fill the beloved Sonneofhis Father, in whom hee was well pleafed. Thirdly, In the Communionofhis Spirit and Holinefe; and in than regard likewife there wasno difunionfor hee was offered up as a lambe with.. out fpot or blemifh. Lafily, In thefruition ofthe light of his countenance , and ofhis glory and favor, and in this terpe6t there was for the time ofhis fufferings a dereli- &ion , fubtraElionevifionis , non dips:fume unions, by the withdrawingof his countenance, not by the diffol- ving of his union. Hce looked uponChriil as a God armed againfl the finncs of the world which were then upon him. Secondly , There was apnithment °fade- clitlion. Hee did undergoe the curieofthe Law, hee did graple with the wrathof God , and with the powersof darkneffe, hee felt the fcourgesdue unto our finnes in his humane nature, which fqueezed and wrung from him thofe firong cries, thofe deepe and woeful!complaints, that bloudy and bitter fvveate, which drew companion from the very rocks. And furely it is no derogation to the dignity ofChrifts perfon , but on the other fide a great magnifyingofthe Iuilice ofGodagainfl finne, of the power ofChrifl againil the Law, andofthe mercy ofthemboth towards tanners, to affirme, that the fuffe- L 14 rings 521 VIR s E7.