..** VERSE 7. ,:drag. dc Trim capao. & de 4gone Chrifiiano,ro.3. cap. ix. The Suferings rings ofChrifl,vyhat-ever they were infpecie in the kinde of them , were yet inponder°, in their weight and- pref- fure, equallygrievous with thole whichwe should have4, fuffered; for being in all things fave finne likeunto us,and most ofall in his liableneffe to the curie of the Law (fo farre as it did not neeetfarily dcnotate either finne inhe- rent, or vvealo ieffe to breake through in the per (on full feting) why hce thouid not bee obnoxious to as great extremities ofPaine , T fee no reafon; for no degree of meere anouTh and dolor can bee unbefitting the perfon Ofhimwho vva.. to bee knowne by that Title, Aman of forrowes. And Cutely luremore indignity was to him to fuller a 'violentdeathof body from the hands of bale men, than tofuffer with patience, obedience ' and vi&o- tie farre forer flripcs from the hand ofGod his Father, whowas pleafed upoulhim to lay the inicpityofus all. For the fecond thing propolA, Why Chr0 firfered thefe things; The Scripture giveth principally tildefive " realms : Firfi, to execute thedectees-of his Father, Aa. 4.77,2,8. Secondly, to fulfill the prophefies,predgura- tions, and predi&ions ofHoly Scriptures , Laik.24.46. Thirdly, to magnifie his mercy, and free love to finners, and moil impotent enernies,Aom.5 .8. Fourthly, tode- clare the Righteoufneffe and truth ofGod stainfl finne, whowould not bee reconciledwith finners but upon a legal' expiation, Rard.3.25. For although wee may not limit the unfearchablevvifedowe andwayes ofGod , as if,hee could noother way have laved man ; yet wee are bound to adorethis meanes,as being by him fele6led out of that infinite treafure ofhis owne counfell,as moil con- .z!osiont to fct forth his wonderfull hate of finne, his in- exorable hake and feverity against it, his unfearchable riches of love and mercy towards finners, and in all things to make way to the tnanifeflation ofhis glory. Lafily , To thew forth his owne power which had flrength to landunder all thispunishment offinne , and at