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andTe-iirreffionofOrig. le* at lafl to (hake it off and to declarehitnfelfekt bee the SonneofGod by the refurre6bon fromthe dead, Rom. 1.4. For though Chrifi did exceedingly feare , and for that fccmeto decline and prayagainft thefe his paffions yet none of that was out ofjealoufie , or fufpicion that bee (hould not breake through them. But heefeared them as being painesunavoidable, which hee was moll certainly to fuffer and as paines very heavie and grie- vous , which hee P fer; not overcome without much bitterneffe, and very vvoefull conflia. Now for a word ofthe laft Claufe. ThereforePall beelift tip the Head.] Weemay hence obferve , that arta bath conquered allhis'offerings by his ovinepower. As in his paftion when hee fufferedbee Towed dowse htli head before-hand , and gave up the ghohwith a loud voice , tonotethat his fuffcrings were voluntary, loh.t 9.; o, So in his reform&ion hee is Paid to lift up hie &obi hirnfelfe , to note that hee had life in blinfelfe, that heewas the Prince ofLife, that it was im- poflible for him to be held under by death (as we were by the Law, Rom. 7.6.) And that his exaltation was votiontenj hkewife and from hisowne powerfor he was not to have any affitlant in the worke of our reclemp- don., but todoe all alone, /Oka .19.5.26. 10.17. If it bee obje6ted that Chrift was railed from the deadby the Gloryof hti Father, and that hee railedhim up,Rom.6.4. Alla 3.33. To this I anfvver t this was not byway of fupplement and fuccor to make up any clefe6t ofpower in Chrifl; but onely by wayofconfint to Chrifis ovvne power and action , that fo men might joyntlyhonour the Sonneand the Father, /4.5.79-26. Or by the clerk oftke Father wce may underhand that glorious power which the Father gave unto his Sonne in the flefb , tohave life in himfelfe, /4.5.26. annexeog thereunto a command to exercife the famePower , lob. ;o.18. 523 VERSE 7.