Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

52+ VERSE7. The Su ertngs to.t8. Or hee is Paid tobee railed by himfelfe and his Father both,becaufe that Holy Spirit which imrnediatly quickned him (Rom. I .4. I Tim.3.5 6. 17'et.3.18.)wasi both his and his Fathers. It was not any perfonall thine wherein the Sonne differ'd from theFather which railed lens from the dead, but that Spirit which was common to them both. To conclude then with the confideration of thole great benefits, and that excellent ufe which this refurre- 6tionofChrifl doth ferve for unto us.Firri,it affureth us oftheaccompliAment ofhis worker ofmediation ON earth, and that he is now in the executionofthofe other offices which remaine to bee fulfilled by him in heaven for the applicationof his Sacrificeunto us; for having in the re- furreaion juflified himfelfe hee thereby role for our ju- ilification likewife, Rom.4.25. For if the debt had not been taken quite off by the furetie , it would have lien upon theprincipal! (till. And therefore the Apofile pro- veth the 1-efurretilion by this that Gods merciesarefire, 4 s9.13.34. Whereas if Chrifl were not Win from the dead wee fbould bee yet in our finnes, and foby conic- quence , the mercies of David fhould have failed us, Cora 5.17az 8. And for this reafon it is (as I conceive) that the Lord fent an Angell to remove the fione from themouth ofthe fepulcher ; not to fupplyany want of power inhim, whocould himfelfehave roled away the fione with one ofhis fingers but as a Iudgewhen the Law is fatisfied fendeth an officer to open the prifon- doores to himwho hath made that latisfaaion ; fo the Father to teflifie that his Iufiicewas fully fatisfied with the price which his Sonne had paid, fent an officer of heaven to open the doores ofthe grave, and as it were to hold away the hangings while his Lord came forth ofhis bed-chamber. Setondly, it affureth us ofour refiirrelliele; For as the head mull rife before the members, fo the membersare lure