Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

andReiriirrethon bra].1. 411111NAM10.100.1MOMMI .*IirlitemewWlre ...mos..he ..a wow%mit lure to follow the Head. The wicked fhall rife by his VE R S E Judiciary power, but not by the vertue and fellowfhip of his Refitrretlionos the faithfull,who are thereforecalled *Children oftbe Refierrethan,Luk.20.3 6. i COrd5.2.0- 23. Third'y, , it cloth by a Cara and 1pirituall venue renew and (4nel:fieour Nature, Rom.6.4. For the as of Chrins mediation in his fufferings and viaories are fpiritually appliable and etfeCluallin us unto antWcrable erfeEts. His death to the mortification offinne, He6.9. 14. 1 loh.T.7. And his refurreaion to the quickning ofus in holineffe, Eph.1.5. Co1.2.12.3Fourchly, it corn- forteth us in all other calamitiesof life whio- may befall us; hee that railed up himfelfe from thedead,hath com- panion and power to deliver us from all evill and to keepeus from falling. This is the funatne of lobs argu- ment, Godwill raife me up at the Ian day,thertforeun- doubtedly bee is able (if it amid with my good and his ovine glory) to lift me up from this dunghill againe , lob 19.27. And this is Gods argument tocomfort hispeople inpatient waiting upon him in their affliaions becaufe their dead bodies (hail live, and they that dwell in the dull fhall awake and flog, 6/.6.26. r9. Lafily, it (-meth to draw our thoughts and affeaions from earth unto heaven ; Becaure things of a nature (hould moveunto oneanother. Now faith the Apofile, Our converfation is inheaven , fromwhence wee loo&efor a Saviour , even the Lord !efts' Chrill ' who'hall change our vile Body , and make it like untohisglorious 'Body, according to the workingrebereby hee is able to fisbdoe tbitsgs untohim- felft. To him with the Father and the Holy Ghof+ , three ',aeons, andoneGod, bce all honor,glory, Majefly and thankigi- ving forever, Amen. FlNis.