Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

38 VERSE I. Xeisitivos 1,40 is xcti fui .itos.ssils. The Different operation ofChrills .1........- ............ameos=,..1 Fathers were fanaified by the fame Spirit ofChrifi with us, difference there is none in the fubflance, butonely in the accidents and circumaances of effusion and mani- fellation. As light in theSunne,and light in a flarre,is in it felfe the fame originall light, but very much varied in the difpenfation. It was the fame truth which was preachedby the Prophets,and byChria,but theApofile obferves in it a difference , fundry times, and infundry manners bath god fpokenby theProphets, but unto us b7 his Son, that is, more plentifiilly, and more plainly unto usthan unto the Fathers,Heb.z .1. lob.16.21.Thertforc though it be true that Abraham fawChrifis day, as all theFathers did (though he haply being the Father ofthe faithfull more than others) in which refpea Eufebins faithof them that they were Chriflians really and inef- feetthough not in name: yet it is true likewife,that many Prophets and Righteous mendid defire to fee and heare the things which the Apoilles faw and heard, but did not, Matt.t;.17. namely, in suchplaine and plentiful! meafure as the Apofiles did. They faw glimpfes and morning liars, and prefigurations, but thefe the things thernfelves. They faw onely the promifes and thole too but afarre off,Heb.zz.z 3. thefe the fubliance and gofpell it Celle, neere at hand, in their mouth, and before their eyes,andeven amongathem, Ga1.3.1. lob. I. r4. z ieb,i.2.,3.Theyby Prophets who teflifiedbefore- hand, thefeby eye-witneffes , who declared the things which they had fees and heard,A11.48.2 2.10.4t.Ther- fore it is Paid that Chrifiwas a Lambe slain from the beginningofthe world, and yet in the end oftheworld that he appeared to take away finne by the Sacrifice of himfelfe,Helt,9. 26. tonote that theFathers had the be- nefit,but not the perfeetionof the promifes, Heb.11.40. for the Apoaleevery wheremakes perfe&ion the worke oftheGofpell, i Cor.2.7. t 3. Heb.6.1. So then afterarias fitting on the right hand ofpower the