Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

VERSE r The luummattonof the Spirit. +raw =rNries% $1*ir will purge.thee.The hard heart it can melt,and the foule heart it can purifie. Lay downe thine heart under the word,and yeeld it to the Spirit,who is as it were the an., tificer which doth manage theword, he can frame it in- to a wife! ofhonour : but ifthou refill and be flubborne againa the Spirit in the word, know that it is but the cracklingofa kale in the fire, ifthou wilt not fuffer it to purge thee,thou canft not hinder it to torment thee; no- thing is more comfortable, nothing more confuming than fire ; nothing more comfortable than the light, warmth,andwitneffe of theSpirit, nothing more terri- ble than the convi&ion, condemnation, and bondageof theSpirit. Now this difference in the meafure ofthe Spirit, may be feen in trio things. Firfl,in a greater meafure ofknow- ledge ; They fha11aliknow mefrom thekali ofthem to the greate' oftbemlaith the Lord,Ier.31.34. And theearth ihall befall ofthe knowledgeofthe Lord, as thewaters to. ver the lea, Efai.t it.9. Our Saviour told his Difciples that all things, which hehad heard' ofhis Father he had made knowneunto them, lob.' 5.15 . and yet a little,after he telleth them that many other things hehut°fay unto them, which they could not beare, at& Spirit oftroth camewho fhoteldguide them intoalltruth, noting that the Spirit when hee came fhould enlarge their hearts to a capacityofmore heavenly wifedome than they could comprehend before. For we mayob- ferve before how ignorant they wereof many things, though they converfed with Chrift in the flefh. Philip ignorant ofthe Father, loh.14.8. Thomas ofthe way unto the Father, /oh.x4.5. Peter of the neceffityofhis fufferings,M44h.I6.22. The twoD tjciples ofhisrefur- reciion , Luk.24.45. all of them of the quality ofhis Kingdorne,/ift.1.6. Thus before the fendingofthe Ho- ly Gliofi, the Lord did not require fo plentiful! know- ledge unto falvation, as after; as in the valuations of money,