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4+ 1 The *re our ildToceite. VERS E cute to his people ; for fo much the word fignifies, and is diewhere rendered, i /4.2.1.NOw he is called'attother comforter or Advocate, tonote the differencebetweene kChrill and the Spirit in this particular. There is thenan Advocateby Office, when one perfon takes upon him- idle thecaufe ofanother,and in his name pleads it. Thus Chriaby the Officeofhis Mediation, and interceffion is an Advocate for his Church, and (loth inhis owne per- fon in heaven applyhis merits, and further the caufe of our falvatior with his; Father. There is likewife an Ad- vocate by energie and operation, by infiruaion and affi- flance,which is,not when a worke is done by one perfon in the behalfe ofanorher, but when oneby his counfell, infpiration, and affitlance enableth another to manage his ovvne bufineffe, and to plead his owne caufe. And fuch anAdvocate the Spirit is, whocloth not intercede, nor appearebefore God in perfon for us as Chrifi doth: but tnakethinterpellation for men in and themfelves, giving them an acceffe unto the Father , emboldning them in their feares,andhelping them in their infirmities, whenthey knownot what to pray, epb.2. 8. 15.19. Rom.8.26. Ephe3.16. Firfl then, the Spirit as our Advocate juflifieth our perfons, and pleadeth our caufes againa the aecufations ofour fpirituall enemies. For as Chria is our Advocate at the tribunal' ofGods juffice to plead our caufe againft the feveritie ofhis Law, and that moil Righteous and undeniable chargeoffinne which he layeth upon us: fo the Holy Spirit is our Advocate at the tribunall ofGods inercie,enabling us there to cleere our felves againfi the temptations; and murtherous, aflaults ofour Spiritual' enemies. The world accufeth us by falfe and flanderous calumniations,laying to our charge things which we ne. ver did; the Spirit in this cafe rnakethus not onely plead our innocencie, but to rejoyce in our fellow fhip with the Prophets which were before us, to acme the re- proaches I ,jnterpellaredi- citurpro nobis, quia nobis ge- wadi& inter- peliandi impo- nit afiawns. Augaft. gmoddicittar Spiritus San- atointercedere pro nobis, hoc non eft itaintel- ligendurn ac fi ipja perfona t- ritut immediate intercederet :In- tercedit enim pergemit9: por- ronongemit i- rittts,fednosge- mintwiltaque docendo hocfa- cit,(Ociendo ut gemamm, Ca- ?mondeEcclef. pag98.