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The Spirit makesfruitfull. that no weapon which is formed againfl it can profper, £14114.14.17. ViEtory isever the ground ofjoy,Efai. 9.3. And the Spirit ofGod is aviolorious Spirit. His judgment in the heart is lent forth untoviaory, Match. 12.2o. and before himmountains /hallbe madeaplain, and every high thing A III be pulledJamie, till hebring forth the headflorae withJhoutings, Ezek..4. 6, 7. To Ste- phen he was a Spirit ofPiElory again(} the difputers of the World, 4E1.6.TO. To the Apoilles a Spiritofliberty in the prifon, 411.16.25,26. To all the faithfull aSpirit ofjoy and glory in themid({ofperfecutions, Pet+13, 14. Fifthly, the Spirit doth not onelypreferve theheart which he bath renewed, but maketh it _fruitful' and abundant in the workesofthe Lord,ga/.5.2a. Rom.7.4. And a fruitfulneffe is a ground ofrejoycing, Efini.54.z. a b Therefore they which are borne ofGod cannot commit =din, 6 sri draut An% finne,that is,they arenot silida4 workers orar- ruir lacy =Fonola, tsficers orfinifhersofiniquity, becaufe theyhave thefeed tne4, ,67' th° ofGod, that is,hisSpirit in them,which fitteth them (as othoTexysia o. feed doth the wombe or the earth) to bring forth fruite 765, )4in44 unto God. Partly,by d teaching theheart, and c calling it Times. drift. b 1 Iohn 3.8i9. as it were in the mould of the world, fafhioning fuch Match. 7. 23. thoughts, apprehenfions, affeaions,judgements in the Luke 13.27. foule asare anfwerable to the will and Spirit ofGod in The whole the word, fo that a man cannot butfet his feale, and fay phrafc «ggfilav yogi-isas much Amen to the written Law: partlyby moving,animating, as the Latine applying, and niofl fweetly leading the heart unto the Operarim ixi. Obedienceof that Lawwhich is thus written therein. chat tnaketh aatm, one a Latily,thofe whomhe bath thus fitteth,hefeatethup t trade of finne, unto a finall and full redemption by the Teflimony of or profecfcth their adoption, which is the hanfell and carne(}oftheir iniquity, whole fervice isaltogether incompatible with the profeflion or hope of a Chriftian. Do- dor/ac*An of luftif. faith.felt.z. c. 8. d Iohn z6. Iohn 2.20. Efay 54. 13. Icrem.31.33, 2. COI 3. 3. re A494,941E0 ;14). drift. e Vid.Bes..a tinnatat.inRom. 6.17. Icr.32.39,4o.Ezek.36.27.11,0m.834.Ephef.4.3o. Ga1.4.5, 6. Ephef.t.14. t Pet.r.3. inheri-